
Kappa Theta Psi is a local Fraternity at Simpson College.

Kappa Theta Psi has 21 active members and 1 pledge. Our members vary widely in major and are active participants in the Simpson College community. We are involved in a variety of academic programs, leadership positions, and extracurricular activities, including theater, speech, Esports, music, and more!

From Left to right, Jared Campbell, Will Exline, Maslin Boten, Bret Logsdon, Gizzy Keeler

Alumni - Get Connected!

Alumni, feel free to schedule a visit! You can either email Master of Public Relations at kappathetapsi.pr@gmail.com or our current Master of Alumni Relations at ktp.alumnirelations@gmail.com

Alumni Pictured From left to right, Jared Campbell, Will Exline, Maslin Boten, Bret Logsdon, Gizzy Keeler

Get Updated!

The House of Kappa Theta Psi gives you our monthly officer updates in our Kappa Chronicle!